08 October 2010

busy week...

The LITM show in Jersey City and the GALLERY U show in Montclair were both amazing! Met so many great people and talented artists. Thanks to both venues for including me in your shows! Ms Kate Hoos was featured in both shows with me! Check out her blog to see what's happening next in Hoos's World! Here are some pics from the events. Now...DON'T MISS THE NEXT ONE...YOU'RE MISSING ALL THE EXCITEMENT!

Thank you to ALL of my lovely friends for coming out to support me. Sometimes it is not easy, but you still hang in there for it all! Love to you all.

my work hanging at LITM

hoos's eyes!

erica and the hoos at LITM

hoos and talented artist Beth

me and my work at Gallery U
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people near my work at Gallery U

hoos and her work at Gallery U

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