damn people! i have had such great responses from everyone...it's been an awesome week in the website/blog world for me! i really appreciate all of the kind words and positive thoughts. i am just shocked that people are really checking this all out and taking the time to do so. so...keep checking www.ericaresnick.com out and become a follower through facebook, or using your gmail or aim accounts or using your email. (look over on the right side of the screen silly!)---------------->
****IMPORTANT INFO FOR THOSE CONCERNED WITH MY BLOG PERSONA**** :)---- are you concerned that my blog "voice" isn't as witty or funny as my real life persona? no worries! i am just getting the info out right now...mainly about showing my art in photographs on here. i promise to be witty and wonderful quite soon!! tee hee
people have been asking a lot of questions about my process. i am guessing that the art doesn't exactly translate perfectly on the computer. "are those real nails or pictures of nails?" so...here's a quick little explanation. the pieces that i previously posted are my photos, adhered to 4 or 5 pieces of wood. the wood is nailed together and burned. some of the photos are burned and some of the photos treated with chemicals to create a texture on the actual photo.
I have shown some of my work to "ladies".
so...they have inspired me to just frame some of the photographs solo. be sure to check that option out at my next show.
(details SOON on my next show---jan 29th----mark your calendars)
the pieces i am putting up today are not on wood...they are on record albums. there are 2 or 3 albums put together using fasteners. again, burning and treating going on as well. again, click on the photo to see the larger size. looking at it that way, you can see the textures of the burning and treatments/crackling of the photographs. you will notice the one photo of the gas sign is shot using the "through the viewfinder" technique. if you dig it...i'll be putting up more of these types of photos soon and explaining that process as well. pretty cool shooting through the lense of an old camera, using your digital. :) hope you enjoy these pieces as well and again...i love feedback so feel free to comment or email!