This group show is inspired by the group who are working to prevent a dangerous gas pipeline from being run through Jersey City to transport natural gas to NYC. The work reflects upon how environmental issues such as this will affect our futures both near and far. Are you fearful of a dark future? Or hopeful for a bright one? Do you think everything will continue along the way it is, or will there be drastic differences?
Well...I certainly have strong ideas about a dark future vs. a bright one! This piece from my new series "STOP NUTS!" has quite a voice. Come check it out. When? you ask?
January 4th, 2011
@ LITM ----- 140 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm OPENING RECEPTION
Here's a sneak preview of STOP NUTS #1. It's a hanging sculpture and is a MUST SEE in person! (if I do say so myself)
*****MORE SHOWS and NEWS COMING SOON---More pieces from STOP NUTS will be featured in a gallery show later this month...details to come soon. photographs from the LOCKED IN series were just accepted into a magazine that will be put out in stands in JUNE 2011.
Pushin' along and making it happen.
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